Thursday, April 10, 2008

Summer Quilt

This was one of those projects that starts with a particular fabric grabbing hold in a store and demanding to be bought. I brought two yards home, and the next day I went and bought two more. I hung the pieces over the back of a chair and left them for a week, looking at the colors and the design that I liked so much and smiling every time I passed. I couldn’t find a project that suited the fabric, so then it had to live among my stash for a few years.

A few weeks ago, while I was awake on a jet lag fueled night of insomnia, I saw a picture of a rectangle quilt with sashing that seemed like the perfect project for my beautiful fabric. I spent the next few days cutting and assembling the simple top.

It’s still just a top, but it will soon have a border and be layered with just backing and muslin. I want something very thin as a coverlet during the hot summer. Something more substantial than a sheet, but not as hot as a quilt.

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